Friday, December 14, 2007

What a difference a week makes

This time last week, I was strapped to a hospital bed, with an IV drip in my arm. I also had a morphine button to juice me up when I needed. And I was totally loopy from anethesia. Now, my scar is itchy, but the pain is diminishing in noticeable increments.

My mom is coming up to visit this coming week. I'm looking for it. She's going to help us out while I recover from my surgery. By the time she gets here, I'll feel even better than I do, now, but her assistance will still be appreciated immensely. Honey will be working a LOT, and I can't decorate the house with these stitches, so Mom will have her work cut out for her.

Operation recovery has been harder than I thought. The doc said to take one to two weeks off of work. I'm playing it by ear, right now, hoping to return to work by Wednesday. But I find that I'm still pooped. It took me forever to wake up this morning, and it's been a week! My scar is healing up okay, but if I'm up and about too much, I just get malaised and tire quickly. I just made the mistake of checking my office email. There's an irritated customer there. I don't know if my body needs that kind of stress right now. (Yeah, that's the ticket!) But frankly, as I'm paid by the day, I really don't have the luxury of waiting till I'm fully recovered. Eh. I'll probably be okay enough by mid-next week, at least to do half-days.

In the meantime, I am going to count my blessings, like my grandmother told me I should:

1) Everything was caught in time.
2) Everything so far feels like it's healing up alright.
3) I'm catching up on Netflix and TiVo.
4) I'm blogging more.
5) My cousin just had a baby.
6) My dog no longer smells like the dead bird she excitedly nosed around in in our backyard.
7) I'm getting some reading done.
8) I'm take a legitimate breather after a year of hectic activity.
9) Showering is optional, since I'm not going anywhere. (Woohoo!)
10) I'm getting lots of my Christmas cards done.
11) I have discovered how utterly fantastic my friends are.

There are many more, but it's about lunchtime and I'd like to cruise the fridge.


Sonnjea said...

Don't rush back to work if you can help it - major surgery is, well, major and your body needs this time to heal itself.

I hope everything is okay and that you feel better soon.

mommanator said...

My best regards to you. Let momma take care of ya! she probably is excited to do it AND my dear let her do it! Don't know what surg you had but get better soon and enjoy this time you have off to relax- it's back to the ole grind too soon

Virginia Gal said...

oh yay - you're mom is coming!!! Any chance of your pappa coming up as well?

I'm glad to hear you are taking a breather, you need it - take some time for you, to often in this busy world we quickly forget about ourselves and sometimes I wonder if our body finally says, "enough, pay attention to me!"

Finally I had to laugh at the doggie thing, I can see your dog being so happy at her discovery - full of joy unaware of the subsequent smell. hee hee.