Monday, January 01, 2007

Feliz Año Nuevo y el poste centésimo!

Feliz Año Nuevo! Felice Anno Nuovo! Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar! Glückliches Neues Jahr!
新年好! καλή χρονιά! 明けましておめでとう! С Новым годом! Feliz Ano Novo!

(*My apologies to the genuine polyglots reading this who may recognize translational errors. I actually just cut and pasted from a translator site.)

I hope each and every one of you rang in the new year to your liking and that you had a safe first night as well as a fun one. Today I am not only celebrating the birth of 2007, but I am also celebrating my 100th post on this here blog. That's right: if this were television, my posts could start going into syndicated reruns! Huzzah for Molly!

I have 90 minutes until 2007 begins her second day - at least in this time zone - so I'll try to type quickly to keep this post a New Year post.

Last night was very low key. It was the lowest key New Year's Eve I'd had in a while, I think. We had another couple over and just played board and DVD games. Then we toasted in the New Year with Dick Clark and the throng in Time's Square. Today, Honey and I just padded around the house, eating leftovers and cookies and watching movies. We've each had the last week off and we've done little else besides eating cookies, Honey's bread and watching movies. It's been Heaven! Today we watched Joyeux Noel, The Promise and An Inconvenient Truth. Let's see if I can give a quick phrase review of each, respectively: 1) never a more beautiful treason - I sobbed ... a lot; 2) lovely, viscerally freaky and thematically pointless; 3) info we all know delivered with effective impact.

New year resolutions are not something I tend to pursue. When I have pursued them, I have broken them quickly, like so many of us are wont to do. Nevertheless, I do believe setting goals is a good thing, so I will list some goals for 2007 I want to accomplish. For most of these, I will set no timeline, nor punishment if I fail to achieve them. Here is what I hope to accomplish in 2007:
1. try my hand at stand up comedy at least once.
2. refrain from beginning most sentences in my blog or any other personal essay with "I" or some other lame "I"-related word or phrase.
3. have at least one job this year that is not an entry level position
4. practice patience, particularly with regards to those who test mine the most
5. attend church at least once a month ... synagogue counts, too, if I take up that shabat invitation I had to take a raincheck on last year
6. pray my mantra daily, and not just when I'm angry or feel guilty; pray also for the success and good will of my enemies both real and perceived; and generally more often and less selfishly
7. graduate!
8. be a more pro-active, engaged citizen
9. reduce, reuse, recycle more often
10. write an honest argument counter to my own opinion on a topic which I feel strongly about so that I can see the other side's point of view
11. hell: WRITE MORE! (and my thesis doesn't count for credit towards that)
12. increase the percentage of organic foods in my diet even more
13. start jogging regularly again
14. learn that I'm the boss of chocolates and sweets, they're not the boss of me
15. learn to accept that which I cannot control

1 comment:

Sonnjea said...

Great goals! Good luck with them. I have several similar (some identical) goals, but I admit that jogging is nowhere on my list. Ah well.