Last Sunday I took her to the pharmacy to pick up her meds. For someone about to undergo chemo, she looked pretty good. In fact, had I not known she'd been hospitalized for a month and some change, I'd've not known anything was wrong. We chatted and enjoyed the sunshine in the car and griped about the health insurance industry in this country screwing people over. She asked if Honey and I wouldn't mind helping her with her trash and some small odd errands while she underwent chemo for the next few months. Of course, I agreed. This evening, I called over to ask if she was ready for me to pick up her trash. No response. I didn't worry much; I figured after a week of chemo she was probably napping.

I had planned on drilling into my thesis this evening, and Honey had planned on doing work work. But after that, we were so unfocused, we both decided to just watch TV. And now, despite the Benadryl I took I can't get to sleep. I think there's something about knowing the house next to use is empty tonight. Sadly empty.
We liked her. We weren't close to her by any means, so our moroseness isn't rooted in intimacy. But death is inherently disconcerting. I expected this would happen at some point; just not so soon after her return from the hospital. I'm beginning to wonder if 2007 is going to be a little like 2005: a multiple funeral year. My grandfather has been knocking on Heaven's door for about a year, but he's been yanking on Heaven's bell-pull for about 2 months now. I'm hoping he hangs on through summer when we plan on visiting, but I suspect if he makes it to 2008 at all, he'll pass early.
I do hope to go to her funeral. I want to say goodbye. To leave the departure this way, conversations with cops and the eventual condolences to her family, is so unfinished. I hope she that she didn't suffer much, that it wasn't painful that death has brought her healing and respite. My prayer is that she is at peace and that death came as a friend. Also that Honey and I can be there for her family as they grieve and manage her estate in the coming months, if and when they need us, however they need us.
Molly - oh my goodness how sad. I'm so sorry for you and for her and her family, tragic. And yet, I echo your prayers for her and think maybe in His Divine thinking, this was the best way to go, in one's home, in peace.
I pray that your 2007 is nothing like 2005 - may this be the one and only tragedy you must endure.
Thanks VirginiaGal.
I feel like the tragedy is more the in the illness than the passing, though. Even when Grandpa dies, it'll be sad but not tragic. He's enjoyed every minute of his life and he's content to wait for his number to be called.
I agree, I think it's best to go at home. At least it's familiar territory as you pass into the unfamiliar. And luckily, she had a volunteer care system set up with her church friends. So I think they found her within 24 hours of her passing.
What a blessing she did not have to suffer long, and how nice of you and honey.SO often neighbors dont even know one another, but there you & honey were to pck up the slack.
I'm sorry, too, Molly. Here I am, fresh back from attending a funeral this weekend. It may be one of those years indeed. What can we do? I guess just reach out and be happy we are surrounded by so many wonderful people and appreciate them as long as we're here. At the risk of sounding trite.
I'm sorry, too. And I do hope you can see your grandfather when you visit.
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